Kategoriarkiv: Foto

Ustaoset – Påsken 2010

Et bilde sier mer enn tusen ord, og her får du fire stk!

Ustaoset - Påsken 2010

Ustaoset, påsken 2010

Ustaoset - Påsken 2010

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Skrevet av den april 1, 2010 i Foto, Reiser


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Lomography – foto nostalgi

Det nyeste tilskuddet på ønskelisten!

What the hell is Lomography?

The whole Lomographic phenomenon started in the streets of St. Petersburg, Russia on 1982. At that time, the USSR Minister of Defense and Industry and his comrade, the Director of the LOMO Russian Arms and Optical Factory, examined a Japanese camera with a sharp glass lens, extremely high light sensitivity and robust casing. Upon realizing the potential of this mini-camera, they gave immediate orders to copy and improve the design with the ultimate goal of producing the largest quantity possible for the pleasure and glory of the Soviet population. It was decided – every respectable Communist should have a LOMO KOMPAKT AUTOMAT of their own. With that, the LOMO LC-A was born! (..) LES MER

Diana F+ camera

Fisheye No. 2

Lomographic products are all characterized by the following traits: they are practical and sensual, they look good, they’re friendly, inexpensive, sexy, un-political, a tad intellectual (but not too high-brow) and distributed worldwide. Their sole purpose is to do nothing other than serve the daily, thousandfold desires of Lomographic creative expression! (…) LES MER

Ten Golden Rules

  1. Take your camera everywhere you go
  2. Use it any time – day and night
  3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it
  4. Try the shot from the hip
  5. Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible
  6. Don’t think (william firebrace)
  7. Be fast
  8. You don’t have to know beforehand what you captured on film
  9. Afterwards either
  10. Don’t worry about any rules

Med digitalkamera har mye av spenningen med å ta bilder forsvunnet. Man trenger ikke å fremkalle bildene for å se dem,  og som oftest blir bildene bare liggende i en mappe på pc’en. Selv om det er mye koseligere å ha dem på veggen!

På tide å gjøre noe med det kanskje?!

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Skrevet av den mars 1, 2010 i Foto


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